Tuesday, May 27, 2014

This Is Why I Love Being A Coach

Beachbody always provides so much insight and tips for fitness and health. Today I stumbled upon an awesome article about shedding weight and being healthy. Sometimes I get caught up on life and forget to make healthier choices. 9 times out of 10 I do but there's that one time I just grab a few cookies instead of a banana. I read this today and it made me get back on track and remember why I am doing this. I am fueling my body with good food not junk. Junk food provides pleasure and absolutely no health benefits whatsoever. I want my body to be healthy and happy not full of junk. Read this and get back on track too!

Woman measuring her waist


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hello again!

So I have been slacking a lot lately on my blog. I may not have very many followers but I do want to get my voice out there and share my story and progress.

My current weight is 125. My start weight was 138. I was at my heaviest and I hated my body. I have lost overall 3 inches and a pant size! I was currently a size 4 now a 2...and I do not want to be any smaller if that makes sense. I now love my body and love what I am capable of.

Some may think "Oh I will never lose weight. It just doesn't come easy to me."

Answer is WRONG!!!

It can come easy to you if you try and stick with your goals. Self-control has been my biggest issue. I have such a sweet tooth it was hard to cut back. But after seeing results I know that its worth it. I frequently quote... "I moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips." And its true!! Yes that cookie or candy bar will taste good for a few moments but a rocking bod that you're proud of will last forever as long as you work at it!!!

I like to give my body good stuff. Keep it hydrated and keep it full of good foods. My body isn't a garbage can. I don't want to eat greasy, fast food or sugary cake all the time. Yes I will indulge here and there on something sweet but I have cut out all greasy foods and my body cant thank me enough. I don't feel sluggish anymore and my skin is a lot healthier too!

This journey has been wonderful for me but it has been a challenge. But....what doesn't challenge you doesn't change you.

Ask me how to start your journey today and I will be very happy to help you along the way. Check out my beachbody page and find a program your interested in and we can talk about it! Why wait??


Monday, May 5, 2014

21 Day Fix is Here!!

No more waiting for the 21 Day Fix. It is here and you can order it anytime without waiting. It used to be on backorder because it was so popular!!

I absolutely love this program. The meal planning is easy and the workouts are easy too!! 30 minutes a day for workouts---you can't beat it! This isn't a diet its a lifestyle!! Get yours today!

Get your 21 day fix challenge pack now!!! Great DVD program and meal planning and a month of shakelology for $160!!! Get yours today! Check my site!! Or email me at barnes_88@hotmail.com

Need some help planning your meals? Use this guide to help!!

21 Day Fix: Meal Plan Recipe Binder

go to http://www.coachmmorris.com/p/the-challenge.html


Tuesday, April 29, 2014


April is ALMOST OVER!!! ANd another beachbody challenge pack will be gone!!! This month is another favorite of mine #brazilianbuttlift and #t25 !!! Bikini season is just around the corner so get your body ready for summer!!! These challenge packs include your choice workout and your choice shakeology flavor for one month!! That's a month supply of shakeology!!! All for $140!!! I couldn't be happier for this months challenge pack!! Get yours today or leave me a comment on here and I can get you some info ASAP! Go to my beachbody website here and click on either shop and find the challenge pack or go to challenge packs and click on the one you want!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Goals Are Meant To Be Smashed!!

I can't believe when I stepped on the scale today I actually saw I number I've been searching for for so long!!!! I was never someone who was overweight but I never really felt comfortable in my skin, in my clothes. I have always been "skinny" but I had a lil pudge that I hated!!! The day I stepped on the scale and was at my heaviest (138) I cried and then I stopped and said this is something I control so stop!!!!! I vowed to eat better, eat cleaner and workout daily. I stared to count my calories and focus on putting healthy things into my body! Less junk....no soda and just more fruits, veggies, lean meats, water and my shakeology!!! I can't believe now I have reached my goal and am so happy!! I am so much more confident and I love how my pants DONT fit ;) it's a great feeling and everyone can have this feeling if you stay focused and determined to do what you want to so. No one needs to feel bad  or feel not sexy so go out there eat that apple and put down that donut!!! Yes I indulge every now and then but I know my limits and I don't ever go overboard !!!! You can do this!!! 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Since starting Brazil Butt Lift, Les Mills Body Pump, exercising daily including walking/running my dogs, lifting weights, 21 day fix, etc I have seen a HUGE change in my body. My pants are bigger and I feel more confident in my skin. I feel sexier and much more happier. I never had a problem with weight but I was just a lil pudgier than I wanted to be. So I took a vow to eat cleaner, drink shakeology daily and live a healthier life! And it has paid off! I am now down to 127, originally I was 138. I still have a couple pounds to go for my goal but I am extremely happy!! Here are some of my results.

I was at a size 4 and now my pants are a size too big!! On to buying size 2 :) Or just wearing a belt ;)
Here is a transformation from my friend and upline coach Lane Burris
follow her at www.laneburris.com
This was her Brazil Butt Lift results. These can be yours too!!
Get your challenge pack TODAY!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Be a Coach, Change Lives!!

You may not feel like you're cut out to be a fitness coach. Or you may feel like you don't think you can make a difference. BUT that's how I felt too. I felt like well I wont be able to help people or motivate others. Well you and I was wrong. I started to post my progress from doing brazil butt lift and drinking shakeology and my overall workouts and let me say I got tons of feedback! I have tons of girls approach me saying they see me as an inspiration and need help getting back on track and lose weight. Being told that was more motivation for me to keep going and get my word out there. You don't have to put 8 hours a day into this either. I post pics on instagram, twitter and pinterest and that is how I get my word out. And who doesn't love pinterest! I upload my own pics or tag my email or beachbody site to a lot of other marketing pics. I have gotten a lot of responses from there.

For me this is a job that I can control my own hours and control what I can and cannot do. I see this as something I can do to motivate others and earn some extra cash. The extra cash is just a plus! I really enjoy helping other and motivating them to have the body they deserve!!

Here are some facts about being a coach!!

What is the Coach Business Opportunity?

It's a breakthrough income opportunity that lets you turn weight loss into profit. In order to make money, all you have to do is let people know about getting fit and losing weight with Beachbody’s best-selling line of products. You succeed by helping others succeed!


Who is the company behind the Coach Business Opportunity?

Beachbody is a successful 10-year-old, $250+ million corporation based in Southern California. We create and sell the nation’s most popular in-home fitness and weight-loss products—high-quality, well-manufactured DVD workout programs, gear, and nutritional supplements that have been proven to work. When you become a Beachbody Coach, you’re teaming up with a solid, stable company and a best-selling brand.


How do I earn money?

You get paid weekly commissions when people buy Beachbody products and Team Beachbody Club memberships through your personal website. You can also earn cash bonuses based on your team’s sales.


What does it cost to begin?

It only costs $39.99 to start a Beachbody business. That includes your first month’s Business Services Fees and your Coach Business Kit, which comes with everything you need to begin earning income.
Also, with a purchase of a beachbody challenge pack the fee is waived!! Ask me about it.


Do I need to be a fitness expert?

No, you don’t need to be a fitness or weight-loss expert to become a Beachbody Coach. You just need to be ready to commit to changing your life.


Do I need to be a slick salesperson?

Not at all—the fact is, just about everybody already wants to get fit or lose weight. And our products can get them there—we have thousands of real-life Success Stories to prove it! To make money as a Beachbody Coach, all you have to do is let people know that they can finally achieve the health, fitness, and weight-loss goals they’ve dreamed of.

What kinds of help and support will I receive?

Once you become a Beachbody Coach, you’ll be part of a whole network of successful Coaches who are there for you to learn from and share with. You’ll also get full access to your online office, which has everything you need to market and manage your business with ease—including your own sales website and email account, a full set of sales and marketing tools, and extensive training guides and videos. In addition, our Coach Relations team is available to answer your questions via email or over the phone. And you’ll have a Coach of your own for extra motivation and guidance.

Will I have to purchase products for resale?

Unlike marketing programs that require you to buy a lot of products in order to participate, the Coach Opportunity has no inventory requirements. If you do want to purchase products for your own use or resale, you’ll get them at a significant discount.

Will I have to handle product inventory, billing, shipping, or customer service?

No—when customers purchase products through your website, we take care of the rest.

Is it easy to set up my website?

Setting up and customizing your Beachbody Coach Website is low-tech and simple! We provide you with an easy-to-use system that allows you to add text and photos (or you can just use ours), and you can choose from a number of Beachbody marketing banners to help make sure your site is viewed.

How does Beachbody promote its products?

We spend millions of dollars every week advertising our home fitness programs on the major TV stations and cable networks. (You’ve probably seen our famous infomercials for programs such as P90X, Turbo Jam, and Hip Hop Abs, as well as our magazine and Internet ads.) Millions of people already know about Beachbody, and every time we run an infomercial, we get thousands of new customers. We want those customers to shop through your store, so you get the commission on those sales!

How much of a discount will I get on my own Beachbody products?

As Beachbody Coach, you receive a 25% discount on all Beachbody products available in the Team Beachbody store. And a discount on shakeology!!

Go ahead and check out my teambeachbody site and check into being a coach and all the wonderful products we sell!! Start changing your life today!

Whoever says Shakeology is too expensive is wrong!!!! If you become a beachbody coach not only do you get great discounts on all our beachbody products but a discount on Shakeology!!! And you can earn money!! As of now we have a challenge pack going on if you buy a DVD program you get a month of Shakeology for $140 AND you can join as a coach for free!!!!! So you get all the fabulous discounts and can promote to all your family and friends!! Email me with any questions! barnes _88@hotmail.com

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Skinny Fettuccine Alfredo

This tastes just like Olive Gardens fettuccine Alfredo!! But with about half the calories . Omg it was to die for!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Fitness Rant

I'm tired of people making judgments on others regarding what workout method they use. Be it working out at a gym or YMCA, at home, crossfit or the great outdoors no matter what get your butt exercising. Not every method works for each person. Everyone is different and everyone's body responds differently. 

I personally will never do crossfit. I go to a gym everyday. I lift weights and I do cardio. It works for me!! I've lost weight. Built muscles. I've toned up and I feel awesome! What I'm doing works for ME!! I don't want to change it but I have the option of going bigger at what I'm doing. I have the option of doing beachbody DVDs at home which I love. I also do fitness classes at the Y which is body pump where I lift weights. I also hit the treadmill, elliptical, stairclimber and other machines at the Y. I also run outside any chance I get. I do a variety of things that work for me and what I love to do!!!

Fitness is YOUR choice and what is right for you and your body!! Don't let anyone tell you what you NEED to do because that's what they do. You know your body and what you're capable of.

So get out there. Walk, run, lift or jump! Do whatever you can to be active and achieve your personal goals.

Let's get fit together!!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April Challenge!! T25 & Brazil Butt Lift + Shakeology!

It's April.....you know what that means!! Another beachbody challenge pack!!! This month is another favorite of mine #brazilianbuttlift and #t25 !!! Bikini season is just around the corner ↪️ so get your body ready for summer!!! These challenge packs include your choice workout and your choice shakeology flavor for one month!! That's a month supply of shakeology!!! All for $140!!! I couldn't be happier for this months challenge pack!! Get yours today or leave me a comment on here and I can get you some info ASAP! go to my beachbody website here and click on either shop and find the challenge pack or go to challenge packs and click on the one you want!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Free Shakeology Shaker Cup!!

Order Shakeology Home Direct from me and I will personally send you a FREE shaker cup!!! These cups are for those shakers on the go and don't have time for the blender! Go to my beachbody site >>> and get your shakeology and free shaker cup today!!!

**It has to be a home direct order. Thank you!!

Amazon.com: SHAKEOLOGY SHAKER CUP (1 cup): Kitchen & Dining


I was wondering what to put my shakeology in to keep it fresh and not have to handle with the bags anymore. On pinterest of course I seen airtight canisters that had shakeology on the side of them. I had no idea beachbody even sold these! I checked out the site and searched for canisters and these came up. Needless to say I bought one and can't wait for it to come in!! WOOOO!!!

The airtight seal keeps your Shakeology fresh and it's no fuss entry keeps your hand from getting powder on it. Click the image to buy one -->

Sunday, March 30, 2014

trench love

Basically I'm in love with my new trench coat!!! 
It's from a girl I follow. I bought it off her blog!! It's actually from JCPenneys too. Love it!!!! It's so flattering too 😃

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Shakeology, get yours today!!!

Enough said!!! Check out my beach body site to get yours today! www.teambeachbody.com/lauramb88


After starting Brazilian butt lift, drinking shakeology and watching what I put into my body I have seen the results I thought could never happen. I have worked hard and will continue until I reach my ultimate goal!!!! I'm so grateful for this experience and how it's transformed my body and mind! 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Clothes Sale!!

I will be off and on posting some clothing of mine that either I don't wear anymore, doesn't fit or just isn't my style anymore!!! Let me know if you're interested in anything!!! 

Old Navy white pea coat size small
Black wrap dress from target size xsmall/small $5.00

Sweater Dress small $2.00
Sweater dress from bergners $2.00
Sweater from Hope's boutique that I never wore just didn't like it and forgot to return it
Size small $15.00

Top from Von Maur never worn still has tag , see through back $5.00
Cute ruffle top from Maurice's size small
$2.00 ( dog not included ;))

Email me if interested!!


Friday, March 21, 2014

Housewife Duties ✔️

Made this delicious dish for my guy. Snickerdoodle Apple Cobbler thanks to pinterest! He loved it! 

Recipe is on my pinterest. You can follow it there >>>>>

Under "sugar high" board. 

It's worth it.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Want to join in an exciting challenge? Les Mills Body Combat and Les Mills Pump has an AWESOME challenge pack for customers to buy!! Team Beachbody is offering New & Existing Customers and New Coaches discounts on the LES MILLS PUMP and COMBAT Challenge Packs. For the month of March, the LES MILLS PUMP and COMBAT Challenge Packs will be available at a discount. Les Mills PUMP will be available for $180. That’s $ 140 of savings if you were to buy these products separately! Les Mills COMBAT will be available for $140. That's a $70 savings!!

Engineer your perfect body with LES MILLS PUMP. This barbell-based, rapid weight loss and accelerated strength-training program can give you the tight, toned, and lean body you've always wanted in as little as 3 workouts per week!

The system includes your very own barbell and comes complete with a set of two 5-lb. and two 10-lb. weighted plates.

  • Les Mills Combat Challenge Pack is just $140 (regularly $160).
  • LES MILLS COMBAT is the ultimate mixed martial arts workout program that completely transforms your body in just 60 days. This system takes the most dynamic, calorie-scorching moves from 6 major martial arts disciplines—boxing, muay thai, tae kwon do, karate, capoeira, and jiu jitsu—and combines them into explosive fat-shredding sequences designed for outrageously fast results.

    Go check it out and email me with any questions!!!

    Now shipping!

    • Strawberry Shakeology is HERE! Simplify your nutrition with Shakeology, the Healthiest Meal of the Day. Replace one meal a day with Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, Greenberry, Chocolate Vegan, or Tropical Strawberry (vegan) to help increase your energy, reduce cravings, lose weight, and feel great! All for $129.95.

      * When you choose Home Direct, Beachbody's monthly autoship program, you get Super Discount shipping every month, plus a FREE gift. 

      Why BeachBody?

      Why be a beachbody coach you ask? Well let me tell you.
      I have always thought of doing something with fitness because I've always been active and I felt like doing something like this would be fun. Like some people I have two jobs. I work for my fiances construction company as his secretary and I substitute teach. So this is my third job! I like doing this because I decide what I do and how I do it. If I want to go strong and promote what I love I will get my word out there. If I am busy with my other responsibilities I lay low for a while. It is so versatile! And its perfect for me because it fits in with every thing else I do in my life. But I make sure I fit it in just like I fit my fitness in everyday.

      I have had several people email me and tell me I am their inspiration which is AWESOME!! I love hearing that and I love being able to give people advice and get them on track with being healthy and fit!!


      What is the Coach Business Opportunity?

      It's a breakthrough income opportunity that lets you turn weight loss into profit. In order to make money, all you have to do is let people know about getting fit and losing weight with Beachbody’s best-selling line of products. You succeed by helping others succeed!

      Who is the company behind the Coach Business Opportunity?

      Beachbody is a successful 10-year-old, $250+ million corporation based in Southern California. We create and sell the nation’s most popular in-home fitness and weight-loss products—high-quality, well-manufactured DVD workout programs, gear, and nutritional supplements that have been proven to work. When you become a Beachbody Coach, you’re teaming up with a solid, stable company and a best-selling brand.

      How do I earn money?

      You get paid weekly commissions when people buy Beachbody products and Team Beachbody Club memberships through your personal website. You can also earn cash bonuses based on your team’s sales.

      What does it cost to begin?

      It only costs $39.99 to start a Beachbody business. That includes your first month’s Business Services Fees and your Coach Business Kit, which comes with everything you need to begin earning income. 

      *This fee is waved with the purchase of a Challenge Pack

      Do I need to be a fitness expert?

      No, you don’t need to be a fitness or weight-loss expert to become a Beachbody Coach. You just need to be ready to commit to changing your life.

      Do I need to be a slick salesperson?

      Not at all—the fact is, just about everybody already wants to get fit or lose weight. And our products can get them there—we have thousands of real-life Success Stories to prove it! To make money as a Beachbody Coach, all you have to do is let people know that they can finally achieve the health, fitness, and weight-loss goals they’ve dreamed of.

      Will I have to purchase products for resale?

      Unlike marketing programs that require you to buy a lot of products in order to participate, the Coach Opportunity has no inventory requirements. If you do want to purchase products for your own use or resale, you’ll get them at a significant discount.

      What kinds of help and support will I receive?

      Once you become a Beachbody Coach, you’ll be part of a whole network of successful Coaches who are there for you to learn from and share with. You’ll also get full access to your online office, which has everything you need to market and manage your business with ease—including your own sales website and email account, a full set of sales and marketing tools, and extensive training guides and videos. In addition, our Coach Relations team is available to answer your questions via email or over the phone. And you’ll have a Coach of your own for extra motivation and guidance.

      Will I have to handle product inventory, billing, shipping, or customer service?

      No—when customers purchase products through your website, we take care of the rest.

      Is it easy to set up my website?

      Setting up and customizing your Beachbody Coach Website is low-tech and simple! We provide you with an easy-to-use system that allows you to add text and photos (or you can just use ours), and you can choose from a number of Beachbody marketing banners to help make sure your site is viewed.

      How does Beachbody promote its products?

      We spend millions of dollars every week advertising our home fitness programs on the major TV stations and cable networks. (You’ve probably seen our famous infomercials for programs such as P90X, Turbo Jam, and Hip Hop Abs, as well as our magazine and Internet ads.) Millions of people already know about Beachbody, and every time we run an infomercial, we get thousands of new customers. We want those customers to shop through your store, so you get the commission on those sales!

      How much of a discount will I get on my own Beachbody products?

      As Beachbody Coach, you receive a 25% discount on all Beachbody products available in the Team Beachbody store.


      So if you would like to join me on being a coach let me know! Send me a comment or email me at barnes_88@hotmail.com

      Also follow me on instagram @ lmbee88
      I post a lot of pics on there and what I am doing in my fitness life.

      Join today!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me be your coach!!!

      Thursday, March 13, 2014

      Working out.... In style!!

      I bought a new workout tank today. I am obsessed with workout clothes. I love them so much. But I will not, I repeat, will not spend a fortune for them. My go to places for workout clothes is Tj Maxx, Kohls, Target and MC Sports ( sale rack ) 

      Today I bought a new tank and it was different than what I usually buy. This one has a built in bra!!! I also have like 15 sports bras in every color. So this top eliminates the sports bra because it's built in!! Here check it out :)

      Thanks Kohls :)

      And it was $20!!!!

      Shakeology Recipe

      I love love love my shakeo!! Since I have started drinking it everyday and eating clean and healthier I have dropped 8 pounds. I weighed 137 and now I am 129. My goal is 125. I will continue to eat healthier and work out everyday. I love being fit and healthy! I have never felt this happy about my body before. I love it!!!!

      I tried a new shakeology recipe the other day to switch things up. Its called the blueberry muffin!! boy it was soooo good!!!!

      Here is the delicious recipe :)

      1 scoop vanilla shakeo
      1 cup unsweetened almond milk ( I use vanilla almond milk)
      1/2 cup blueberries ( I used frozen ones)
      1 handful dry rolled oats
      1 pinch cinnamon

      It was to die for!! Literally tasted like a blueberry dessert!! Try yours today!!

      Endless possibilites!!

      Skinny Sweets!

      On my instagram I posted two delicious photos of two awesome skinny recipes!! Did I mention they were delicious????

      Anyways here are the recipes!

      Skinny No Bake Cookies
      Skinny No Bake Cookies: made with banana, oatmeal, chocolate, peanut butter and they taste absolutely amazing!!! #nobake #skinny
      • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
      • 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
      • 1/2 cup skim (fat free) milk-- I used Vanilla Almond Milk
      • 1/4 cup protein powder mix OR SHAKEOLOGY!!
      • 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
      • 1 banana, mashed
      • 1/2 tsp espresso powder ( couldn't find so I used instant coffee)
      • 2 1/2 cup quick cook oats
      • 3 Tbsp mini semi-sweet morsels, optional, for garnish
      1. In a medium saucepan over medium heat, add sugar, cocoa, milk and protein powder. Stirring constantly heat until mixture starts to bubble slightly. Remove from heat and stir in the peanut butter, banana and espresso powder. Fold in oats until fully combined.
      2. Spoon onto parchment paper using a 2 Tbsp scoop. Using bottom of scoop (or spoon) make a small indentation and sprinkle a few mini morsels on top, pressing lightly with fingertips. Allow cookies to set, about 30 minutes.
      3. Store cookies in airtight container in refrigerator for up to one week.


      Skinny Chocolate Muffins  (ONLY 102 CALORIES EACH!!)


      • 1 1/4 cups Chocolate Almond Milk (I used dark chocolate Almond Milk too)
      • 2 cups All Bran cereal
      • 1 egg
      • 3 tablespoons nonfat plain Greek yogurt
      • 1 tablespoon sugar
      • 1 tablespoon baking powder
      • 1/4 teaspoon salt
      • 1 cup flour
      • 2 tablespoons mini chocolate chips.

      1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a 12-cup muffin pan with liners and spray each liner well with cooking spray to prevent sticking.
      2. Place Chocolate Almond Milk in a large bowl. Add bran cereal and let soak for about 2 minutes. Stir in egg and Greek yogurt. Stir in sugar, baking powder, salt and flour. Stir just until combined.
      InstructiEvenly distribute between muffin cups. I use an ice cream scoop for this step. You can fill the liners pretty full, they won’t rise too much. Sprinkle the tops with mini chocolate chips.
      1. Bake for about 14 minutes, until a toothpick comes out almost (but not totally) clean. Serve warm.
      2. Best eaten within 2 days. Freeze the leftovers for a quick breakfast or snack! (I pop mine into the microwave for about 30 seconds straight from the freezer!)

      Source http://www.crazyforcrust.com/2013/04/skinny-chocolate-muffins/#kgXzXEp2ZySX8yxs.99

      Tuesday, March 11, 2014

      Slacking Sandy

      I may not have many followers but I still want to keep my blog updated. I've been gone for a few days now been so busy with work. Tax season is upon us and since I'm my boyfriends secretary for his company it's work work work!! I have a lot to tally up and get filed for taxes and get a lot of other information out! I have also been subbing a lot so that keeps me busy too but that's no excuse!!!

       Soooo here is a little update on my fitness! I have been doing my Brazilian butt lift regularly and body pump and of course eating soooo much healthier! I'd say I eat clean but I sneak in a few treats now and then so I can survive ;) but I've lost another inch around my waist and hips!!!! And I'm down to 129!!! My goal is near!! I am going to start an ab routine that I do every other day opposite my body pump days (MWF) also with my BBL!! I have abs they are still under my lil belly pooch but since I've been eating better I know I still need to work on them! I notice that my obliques are showing a lot more too!!! Pics to come tomorrow!! I'm so glad I have chosen a healthier lifestyle! I'm so proud of myself!! Get on board with me!!!

      I'll keep you all updated :)) 

      Love & muscles 

      Tuesday, March 4, 2014

      Better Sore Than Sorry

      How true is that. Today I can barely move. I upped my weight in my class last night and boy my quads, upper back and shoulders are killing me! I haven't been this sore in a long time. But I love it! I know that I pushed my body a little harder and with that I will see results faster. I even did some cardio today and a lil BBL!! ( Brazilian butt lift) get yours today and feel the burn with me!!! 

      My Beauty Essentials!

      Here are some of my recent favs that I love and that make it into my daily routine. 

      1.) Coconut Oil. I have no clue how I survived without it before. This stuff works wonders. I use it as body lotion, face lotion and on my hair. I tend to breakout at top of my back below my neck from my sports bras so I rub coconut oil on it before bed and poof the breakouts are gone!!! It's good for acne spots on your face as well. But for my hair it nourishes and helps it grow!! I put some on before bed and wash it in the morning! 

      2.) Folic Acid & Hair, Skin & Nails pills. Another routine for my hair to keep it growing and healthy. Folic acid is for energy and boosts metobalism as well but it really kicks my hair growth in gear too! Love it. 

      3.) Another hair routine is this overnight cream that helps soften my hair and repair it from all my heat damage. And it smells amazing! I use it after my coconut oil or just alone. 

      Arms, Arms, ARMS!

      I have always liked my arms. I have worked around children all throughout college and my jobs as a daycare provider and a preschool teacher. I was constantly lifting kids so I never use to work my arms. I have always felt strong but I didn't know I could be stronger until I actually started to lift!

      I do a class at my Y and a couple tracks focus on biceps, triceps and shoulders. Boy do I feel it every time I go. Now I am in LOVE with my arms. My biceps are bigger and my triceps and shoulders are more defined. Here are some of my at-home arm workouts that I do with 5 lb weights and up to 8 lb weights if I feel daring.

      My Biceps! 


      My morning shakeology is usually the same. Vanilla shake-o and almond milk.
      Today I used 1/2 cup almond milk, 1/2 cup cold coffee and 1 tsp. unsweetened cocoa powder.

      Tastes like a mocha coffee drink.


      Get your shake-o TODAY!

      Ask me how :)

      Your Core Is Your Best Friend

      So treat her like it!!

      Abs are built in the gym but made in the kitchen. You can work out all you want and do all the crunches til your face is blue BUT the fat on the outside that covers your midsection will stay there. Your stomach takes in most of what you eat. Fatty foods and sugary foods sit and stay on your midsection. Inside your body you gather two different kinds of fats: visceral and subcutaneous. The subcutaneous one can be found underneath your skin, and it is the primary fat and reason with which you as majority of people are comfortable at all. The visceral one, on the flip side, can be found much deeper inside your entire body, underneath muscles and among your important organs and the same can’t be seen. 

      So how do you get rid of it?

      I have done A LOT of researching and pinning on pinterest and asking fellow beach body coaches and what it all comes down to is what you eat.  So I have come up with a checklist that I have put together from all my sources to help YOU get rid of that belly pooch and onto your body you deserve.

      1. Drink Water - And lots of it! Whether you're on a weight loss journey, you're trying to lose belly fat, or you're just trying to be healthier, it's always a good idea to keep well-hydrated, and to do that, you'll want to keep a bottle of water with you everywhere you go. Sip from it every now and then, and you'll feel fuller, more invigorated, and you'll also be a lot less likely to indulge in a sugar-laden soda or juice if you're not thirsty! This is a sure way to lose stomach fat fast, so try it for a week and you'll see what a difference it makes!

      2. Keep Your Plate Colorful! The more fruits and veggies the better. 

      3. Cut out Fast Food- YES I MEAN IT! Fast food is the worst culprit in the battle against stomach fat. It's convenient, sure, but it's loaded with calories and fat, and those calories and fat head straight to our "problem areas," our bellies and butts! Skip the fast food, or at least opt for healthier fast food options, like salads (without fried chicken or calorie-rich ranch on them) instead of fries. But if you are really set on losing stomach fat fast, avoid the fast food altogether.

      4. Cut Out Soda!! -A serving of soda contains more calories than a large banana, with none of the nutritional value. Many of those calories come from high fructose corn syrup, which our bodies don't really know how to process, and which often ends up turning into belly fat. Ditch the soda and save those calories for something much better for burning belly fat!

      5.Do Weight Bearing Exercises- If you think you'll need to spend the rest of your life only doing sit-ups and crunches to burn belly fat and keep it off, that's not quite true. You'll need to do all sorts of exercises, in moderation, including weight bearing exercises, like brisk walking, jogging, and the like. Remember, overall fitness and nutrition is the key for losing stomach fat, and making sure it doesn't come back!

      6. Do NON weight Bearing Exercises- In addition to the weight bearing exercises to help you burn belly fat, you'll also need to add non-weight bearing exercises, like biking and rowing. These two (weight bearing and non-weight bearing), combined with weight training and cardio, and some yoga thrown in for good measure, will give you a lifetime of fitness and good health — and of course will melt that belly fat away for good!

      7.Keep Exercising and Don't Stop even when you get the results you want.

      8. Do NOT starve yourself! Replace a meal a day with Shakeology and you can cut out calories but have a healthy replacemnt instead.

      9. Don't Deprive yourself either! In addition to not starving yourself, don't feel you have to deprive yourself all the time just because you want to lose stomach fat. Is this carte-blanche for eating an entire carton of Ben & Jerry's? No. But you CAN have a small dish, once in a while, to keep the edge off your cravings and to remind yourself that life is good! Now, could there be a better way to lose stomach fat?

      10. Don't Give UP!!!

      11.Don't Isolate- It's a scientific and biological fact: you absolutely cannot isolate one set of muscles and lose fat just in that one spot, and that includes belly fat. If there's a product or pill that promises otherwise, it's a scam, straight up. To lose stomach fat, you need to change your diet and exercise habits, all over. It's that simple. Truly!

      12. Eat 5 Small Meals a Day

      13. Drink Water Before Every Meal- If you're thirsty, you're going to eat more. Isn't that strange? But it's true. So before you sit down to eat, drink a glass of cool water, wait a few minutes, then dish out your sensible portion and begin to eat. Much better! You'll be surprised at how effective this way to lose stomach fat is. Give it a try!

      14. Get Your Cardio in!! At least 20 min a day for 5 days will help lose belly fat.

      15. Let me say this once and for all: if a special diet plan, a pill, or a piece of workout equipment promises to help you burn stomach fat fast, it's a lie, no matter which celebrity says it works. The absolute only way to burn belly fat fast is to change your diet and exercise... sound familiar? It's the second time I've said something like this in this list. It's that important. Be skeptical of new products that promise miracles. They're a waste of your time and money!

      16. Know Your Portion Size! Do you know how big a serving size ought to be? Try this: pour what you think is one serving of cold cereal into a bowl, then measure it against what the side of the box says is a serving. Most of us pour double the suggested serving size! And worse, restaurants tend to serve more than twice the serving size, especially in meat and in fats. A serving of meat ought to be about the size of a deck of cards. Most restaurants serve a portion of chicken or beef that's at least twice that — be sure you know what a serving size looks like, and save the rest for left-overs.

      17. Strengthen!! Your belly muscles are part of a network of muscles called your core, and they're vitally important to fitness and good health. Do exercises specifically to strengthen your core, and you'll not only burn belly fat, you'll also have better posture, and you'll be far less likely to ever suffer from back pain... what a bonus!

      18. Substitute the Sweets - I have a terrible sweet tooth, so it's always a challenge for me to cut sweets from my diet. I learned a trick, though: sometimes it's possible to substitute the sweets I crave with something better! Fresh berries or sweet plums, frozen juices, even dried fruits without added sugar — all of these make my sweet tooth happy, without adding the extra sugar and empty calories that I usually get from sweet treats. Try this way to lose stomach fat fast and see how beautifully it works!

      19. DO NOT SKIP BREAKFAST - Skipping breakfast can actually be one of those things that cause stomach fat! If you don’t eat after many hours of sleeping your body goes into ‘starvation mode.’ This is bad news for shedding belly fat because it slows down your metabolism in an effort to save energy and burn less calories. In fact, a lot of dietitians advise that the best breakfast is a heavy one.

      20. Monitor What You Eat -- One of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast is to try and eat more fat burning foods, such as brown rice, whole grains, vegetables, natural fruits, skim milk, lean poultry or meat, seafood, and egg whites. I’m sure you already know all the foods to avoid because they are likely to be your favorites The list includes pizzas, burgers, deep fried foods, bakery foods, fatty meats, and all products that contain lots of sugar

      21. Eat Slowly

      22. Do Exercises Efficiently- Cardiovascular exercises are the ones that get your heart thumping and the fat burning, so cardio workouts such as brisk walking, jogging, aerobics, and cycling are the best ways to lose stomach fat fast. If you exercise before breakfast, your body will burn the excess fat because there is no food available to burn, making it the best time to burn off that belly fat.

      23. DRINK LOTS OF WATER! And get plenty of sleep. If you are not sleeping at least 7-8 hours per night, you will find it difficult to find the energy to work out and eat well. Studies show people who are constantly tired have slower metabolisms. So, make sure you get a good night's sleep every night!

      24. Cut Down on Alcohol- Enough said.

      25. Most of all-- HAVE FUN! - If you're not having fun, it's hard to commit to anything. That's why it's especially important to choose exercises you enjoy and include them in your routine. If you enjoy dancing, try incorporating Zumba classes into your weekly rotation. Aerobics are ideal as well, plus they do great things for your metabolism. If you enjoy playing softball or ice skating, work those into your regimen. They'll keep you engaged, making it easier to do all those essential exercises as well.


      Follow these guidelines and I guarantee you will be on track to that core you deserve!