Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Your Core Is Your Best Friend

So treat her like it!!

Abs are built in the gym but made in the kitchen. You can work out all you want and do all the crunches til your face is blue BUT the fat on the outside that covers your midsection will stay there. Your stomach takes in most of what you eat. Fatty foods and sugary foods sit and stay on your midsection. Inside your body you gather two different kinds of fats: visceral and subcutaneous. The subcutaneous one can be found underneath your skin, and it is the primary fat and reason with which you as majority of people are comfortable at all. The visceral one, on the flip side, can be found much deeper inside your entire body, underneath muscles and among your important organs and the same can’t be seen. 

So how do you get rid of it?

I have done A LOT of researching and pinning on pinterest and asking fellow beach body coaches and what it all comes down to is what you eat.  So I have come up with a checklist that I have put together from all my sources to help YOU get rid of that belly pooch and onto your body you deserve.

1. Drink Water - And lots of it! Whether you're on a weight loss journey, you're trying to lose belly fat, or you're just trying to be healthier, it's always a good idea to keep well-hydrated, and to do that, you'll want to keep a bottle of water with you everywhere you go. Sip from it every now and then, and you'll feel fuller, more invigorated, and you'll also be a lot less likely to indulge in a sugar-laden soda or juice if you're not thirsty! This is a sure way to lose stomach fat fast, so try it for a week and you'll see what a difference it makes!

2. Keep Your Plate Colorful! The more fruits and veggies the better. 

3. Cut out Fast Food- YES I MEAN IT! Fast food is the worst culprit in the battle against stomach fat. It's convenient, sure, but it's loaded with calories and fat, and those calories and fat head straight to our "problem areas," our bellies and butts! Skip the fast food, or at least opt for healthier fast food options, like salads (without fried chicken or calorie-rich ranch on them) instead of fries. But if you are really set on losing stomach fat fast, avoid the fast food altogether.

4. Cut Out Soda!! -A serving of soda contains more calories than a large banana, with none of the nutritional value. Many of those calories come from high fructose corn syrup, which our bodies don't really know how to process, and which often ends up turning into belly fat. Ditch the soda and save those calories for something much better for burning belly fat!

5.Do Weight Bearing Exercises- If you think you'll need to spend the rest of your life only doing sit-ups and crunches to burn belly fat and keep it off, that's not quite true. You'll need to do all sorts of exercises, in moderation, including weight bearing exercises, like brisk walking, jogging, and the like. Remember, overall fitness and nutrition is the key for losing stomach fat, and making sure it doesn't come back!

6. Do NON weight Bearing Exercises- In addition to the weight bearing exercises to help you burn belly fat, you'll also need to add non-weight bearing exercises, like biking and rowing. These two (weight bearing and non-weight bearing), combined with weight training and cardio, and some yoga thrown in for good measure, will give you a lifetime of fitness and good health — and of course will melt that belly fat away for good!

7.Keep Exercising and Don't Stop even when you get the results you want.

8. Do NOT starve yourself! Replace a meal a day with Shakeology and you can cut out calories but have a healthy replacemnt instead.

9. Don't Deprive yourself either! In addition to not starving yourself, don't feel you have to deprive yourself all the time just because you want to lose stomach fat. Is this carte-blanche for eating an entire carton of Ben & Jerry's? No. But you CAN have a small dish, once in a while, to keep the edge off your cravings and to remind yourself that life is good! Now, could there be a better way to lose stomach fat?

10. Don't Give UP!!!

11.Don't Isolate- It's a scientific and biological fact: you absolutely cannot isolate one set of muscles and lose fat just in that one spot, and that includes belly fat. If there's a product or pill that promises otherwise, it's a scam, straight up. To lose stomach fat, you need to change your diet and exercise habits, all over. It's that simple. Truly!

12. Eat 5 Small Meals a Day

13. Drink Water Before Every Meal- If you're thirsty, you're going to eat more. Isn't that strange? But it's true. So before you sit down to eat, drink a glass of cool water, wait a few minutes, then dish out your sensible portion and begin to eat. Much better! You'll be surprised at how effective this way to lose stomach fat is. Give it a try!

14. Get Your Cardio in!! At least 20 min a day for 5 days will help lose belly fat.

15. Let me say this once and for all: if a special diet plan, a pill, or a piece of workout equipment promises to help you burn stomach fat fast, it's a lie, no matter which celebrity says it works. The absolute only way to burn belly fat fast is to change your diet and exercise... sound familiar? It's the second time I've said something like this in this list. It's that important. Be skeptical of new products that promise miracles. They're a waste of your time and money!

16. Know Your Portion Size! Do you know how big a serving size ought to be? Try this: pour what you think is one serving of cold cereal into a bowl, then measure it against what the side of the box says is a serving. Most of us pour double the suggested serving size! And worse, restaurants tend to serve more than twice the serving size, especially in meat and in fats. A serving of meat ought to be about the size of a deck of cards. Most restaurants serve a portion of chicken or beef that's at least twice that — be sure you know what a serving size looks like, and save the rest for left-overs.

17. Strengthen!! Your belly muscles are part of a network of muscles called your core, and they're vitally important to fitness and good health. Do exercises specifically to strengthen your core, and you'll not only burn belly fat, you'll also have better posture, and you'll be far less likely to ever suffer from back pain... what a bonus!

18. Substitute the Sweets - I have a terrible sweet tooth, so it's always a challenge for me to cut sweets from my diet. I learned a trick, though: sometimes it's possible to substitute the sweets I crave with something better! Fresh berries or sweet plums, frozen juices, even dried fruits without added sugar — all of these make my sweet tooth happy, without adding the extra sugar and empty calories that I usually get from sweet treats. Try this way to lose stomach fat fast and see how beautifully it works!

19. DO NOT SKIP BREAKFAST - Skipping breakfast can actually be one of those things that cause stomach fat! If you don’t eat after many hours of sleeping your body goes into ‘starvation mode.’ This is bad news for shedding belly fat because it slows down your metabolism in an effort to save energy and burn less calories. In fact, a lot of dietitians advise that the best breakfast is a heavy one.

20. Monitor What You Eat -- One of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast is to try and eat more fat burning foods, such as brown rice, whole grains, vegetables, natural fruits, skim milk, lean poultry or meat, seafood, and egg whites. I’m sure you already know all the foods to avoid because they are likely to be your favorites The list includes pizzas, burgers, deep fried foods, bakery foods, fatty meats, and all products that contain lots of sugar

21. Eat Slowly

22. Do Exercises Efficiently- Cardiovascular exercises are the ones that get your heart thumping and the fat burning, so cardio workouts such as brisk walking, jogging, aerobics, and cycling are the best ways to lose stomach fat fast. If you exercise before breakfast, your body will burn the excess fat because there is no food available to burn, making it the best time to burn off that belly fat.

23. DRINK LOTS OF WATER! And get plenty of sleep. If you are not sleeping at least 7-8 hours per night, you will find it difficult to find the energy to work out and eat well. Studies show people who are constantly tired have slower metabolisms. So, make sure you get a good night's sleep every night!

24. Cut Down on Alcohol- Enough said.

25. Most of all-- HAVE FUN! - If you're not having fun, it's hard to commit to anything. That's why it's especially important to choose exercises you enjoy and include them in your routine. If you enjoy dancing, try incorporating Zumba classes into your weekly rotation. Aerobics are ideal as well, plus they do great things for your metabolism. If you enjoy playing softball or ice skating, work those into your regimen. They'll keep you engaged, making it easier to do all those essential exercises as well.


Follow these guidelines and I guarantee you will be on track to that core you deserve! 

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