Tuesday, April 29, 2014


April is ALMOST OVER!!! ANd another beachbody challenge pack will be gone!!! This month is another favorite of mine #brazilianbuttlift and #t25 !!! Bikini season is just around the corner so get your body ready for summer!!! These challenge packs include your choice workout and your choice shakeology flavor for one month!! That's a month supply of shakeology!!! All for $140!!! I couldn't be happier for this months challenge pack!! Get yours today or leave me a comment on here and I can get you some info ASAP! Go to my beachbody website here and click on either shop and find the challenge pack or go to challenge packs and click on the one you want!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Goals Are Meant To Be Smashed!!

I can't believe when I stepped on the scale today I actually saw I number I've been searching for for so long!!!! I was never someone who was overweight but I never really felt comfortable in my skin, in my clothes. I have always been "skinny" but I had a lil pudge that I hated!!! The day I stepped on the scale and was at my heaviest (138) I cried and then I stopped and said this is something I control so stop!!!!! I vowed to eat better, eat cleaner and workout daily. I stared to count my calories and focus on putting healthy things into my body! Less junk....no soda and just more fruits, veggies, lean meats, water and my shakeology!!! I can't believe now I have reached my goal and am so happy!! I am so much more confident and I love how my pants DONT fit ;) it's a great feeling and everyone can have this feeling if you stay focused and determined to do what you want to so. No one needs to feel bad  or feel not sexy so go out there eat that apple and put down that donut!!! Yes I indulge every now and then but I know my limits and I don't ever go overboard !!!! You can do this!!! 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Since starting Brazil Butt Lift, Les Mills Body Pump, exercising daily including walking/running my dogs, lifting weights, 21 day fix, etc I have seen a HUGE change in my body. My pants are bigger and I feel more confident in my skin. I feel sexier and much more happier. I never had a problem with weight but I was just a lil pudgier than I wanted to be. So I took a vow to eat cleaner, drink shakeology daily and live a healthier life! And it has paid off! I am now down to 127, originally I was 138. I still have a couple pounds to go for my goal but I am extremely happy!! Here are some of my results.

I was at a size 4 and now my pants are a size too big!! On to buying size 2 :) Or just wearing a belt ;)
Here is a transformation from my friend and upline coach Lane Burris
follow her at www.laneburris.com
This was her Brazil Butt Lift results. These can be yours too!!
Get your challenge pack TODAY!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Be a Coach, Change Lives!!

You may not feel like you're cut out to be a fitness coach. Or you may feel like you don't think you can make a difference. BUT that's how I felt too. I felt like well I wont be able to help people or motivate others. Well you and I was wrong. I started to post my progress from doing brazil butt lift and drinking shakeology and my overall workouts and let me say I got tons of feedback! I have tons of girls approach me saying they see me as an inspiration and need help getting back on track and lose weight. Being told that was more motivation for me to keep going and get my word out there. You don't have to put 8 hours a day into this either. I post pics on instagram, twitter and pinterest and that is how I get my word out. And who doesn't love pinterest! I upload my own pics or tag my email or beachbody site to a lot of other marketing pics. I have gotten a lot of responses from there.

For me this is a job that I can control my own hours and control what I can and cannot do. I see this as something I can do to motivate others and earn some extra cash. The extra cash is just a plus! I really enjoy helping other and motivating them to have the body they deserve!!

Here are some facts about being a coach!!

What is the Coach Business Opportunity?

It's a breakthrough income opportunity that lets you turn weight loss into profit. In order to make money, all you have to do is let people know about getting fit and losing weight with Beachbody’s best-selling line of products. You succeed by helping others succeed!


Who is the company behind the Coach Business Opportunity?

Beachbody is a successful 10-year-old, $250+ million corporation based in Southern California. We create and sell the nation’s most popular in-home fitness and weight-loss products—high-quality, well-manufactured DVD workout programs, gear, and nutritional supplements that have been proven to work. When you become a Beachbody Coach, you’re teaming up with a solid, stable company and a best-selling brand.


How do I earn money?

You get paid weekly commissions when people buy Beachbody products and Team Beachbody Club memberships through your personal website. You can also earn cash bonuses based on your team’s sales.


What does it cost to begin?

It only costs $39.99 to start a Beachbody business. That includes your first month’s Business Services Fees and your Coach Business Kit, which comes with everything you need to begin earning income.
Also, with a purchase of a beachbody challenge pack the fee is waived!! Ask me about it.


Do I need to be a fitness expert?

No, you don’t need to be a fitness or weight-loss expert to become a Beachbody Coach. You just need to be ready to commit to changing your life.


Do I need to be a slick salesperson?

Not at all—the fact is, just about everybody already wants to get fit or lose weight. And our products can get them there—we have thousands of real-life Success Stories to prove it! To make money as a Beachbody Coach, all you have to do is let people know that they can finally achieve the health, fitness, and weight-loss goals they’ve dreamed of.

What kinds of help and support will I receive?

Once you become a Beachbody Coach, you’ll be part of a whole network of successful Coaches who are there for you to learn from and share with. You’ll also get full access to your online office, which has everything you need to market and manage your business with ease—including your own sales website and email account, a full set of sales and marketing tools, and extensive training guides and videos. In addition, our Coach Relations team is available to answer your questions via email or over the phone. And you’ll have a Coach of your own for extra motivation and guidance.

Will I have to purchase products for resale?

Unlike marketing programs that require you to buy a lot of products in order to participate, the Coach Opportunity has no inventory requirements. If you do want to purchase products for your own use or resale, you’ll get them at a significant discount.

Will I have to handle product inventory, billing, shipping, or customer service?

No—when customers purchase products through your website, we take care of the rest.

Is it easy to set up my website?

Setting up and customizing your Beachbody Coach Website is low-tech and simple! We provide you with an easy-to-use system that allows you to add text and photos (or you can just use ours), and you can choose from a number of Beachbody marketing banners to help make sure your site is viewed.

How does Beachbody promote its products?

We spend millions of dollars every week advertising our home fitness programs on the major TV stations and cable networks. (You’ve probably seen our famous infomercials for programs such as P90X, Turbo Jam, and Hip Hop Abs, as well as our magazine and Internet ads.) Millions of people already know about Beachbody, and every time we run an infomercial, we get thousands of new customers. We want those customers to shop through your store, so you get the commission on those sales!

How much of a discount will I get on my own Beachbody products?

As Beachbody Coach, you receive a 25% discount on all Beachbody products available in the Team Beachbody store. And a discount on shakeology!!

Go ahead and check out my teambeachbody site and check into being a coach and all the wonderful products we sell!! Start changing your life today!

Whoever says Shakeology is too expensive is wrong!!!! If you become a beachbody coach not only do you get great discounts on all our beachbody products but a discount on Shakeology!!! And you can earn money!! As of now we have a challenge pack going on if you buy a DVD program you get a month of Shakeology for $140 AND you can join as a coach for free!!!!! So you get all the fabulous discounts and can promote to all your family and friends!! Email me with any questions! barnes _88@hotmail.com

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Skinny Fettuccine Alfredo

This tastes just like Olive Gardens fettuccine Alfredo!! But with about half the calories . Omg it was to die for!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Fitness Rant

I'm tired of people making judgments on others regarding what workout method they use. Be it working out at a gym or YMCA, at home, crossfit or the great outdoors no matter what get your butt exercising. Not every method works for each person. Everyone is different and everyone's body responds differently. 

I personally will never do crossfit. I go to a gym everyday. I lift weights and I do cardio. It works for me!! I've lost weight. Built muscles. I've toned up and I feel awesome! What I'm doing works for ME!! I don't want to change it but I have the option of going bigger at what I'm doing. I have the option of doing beachbody DVDs at home which I love. I also do fitness classes at the Y which is body pump where I lift weights. I also hit the treadmill, elliptical, stairclimber and other machines at the Y. I also run outside any chance I get. I do a variety of things that work for me and what I love to do!!!

Fitness is YOUR choice and what is right for you and your body!! Don't let anyone tell you what you NEED to do because that's what they do. You know your body and what you're capable of.

So get out there. Walk, run, lift or jump! Do whatever you can to be active and achieve your personal goals.

Let's get fit together!!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April Challenge!! T25 & Brazil Butt Lift + Shakeology!

It's April.....you know what that means!! Another beachbody challenge pack!!! This month is another favorite of mine #brazilianbuttlift and #t25 !!! Bikini season is just around the corner ↪️ so get your body ready for summer!!! These challenge packs include your choice workout and your choice shakeology flavor for one month!! That's a month supply of shakeology!!! All for $140!!! I couldn't be happier for this months challenge pack!! Get yours today or leave me a comment on here and I can get you some info ASAP! go to my beachbody website here and click on either shop and find the challenge pack or go to challenge packs and click on the one you want!