Friday, April 25, 2014

Goals Are Meant To Be Smashed!!

I can't believe when I stepped on the scale today I actually saw I number I've been searching for for so long!!!! I was never someone who was overweight but I never really felt comfortable in my skin, in my clothes. I have always been "skinny" but I had a lil pudge that I hated!!! The day I stepped on the scale and was at my heaviest (138) I cried and then I stopped and said this is something I control so stop!!!!! I vowed to eat better, eat cleaner and workout daily. I stared to count my calories and focus on putting healthy things into my body! Less soda and just more fruits, veggies, lean meats, water and my shakeology!!! I can't believe now I have reached my goal and am so happy!! I am so much more confident and I love how my pants DONT fit ;) it's a great feeling and everyone can have this feeling if you stay focused and determined to do what you want to so. No one needs to feel bad  or feel not sexy so go out there eat that apple and put down that donut!!! Yes I indulge every now and then but I know my limits and I don't ever go overboard !!!! You can do this!!! 

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