Tuesday, May 27, 2014

This Is Why I Love Being A Coach

Beachbody always provides so much insight and tips for fitness and health. Today I stumbled upon an awesome article about shedding weight and being healthy. Sometimes I get caught up on life and forget to make healthier choices. 9 times out of 10 I do but there's that one time I just grab a few cookies instead of a banana. I read this today and it made me get back on track and remember why I am doing this. I am fueling my body with good food not junk. Junk food provides pleasure and absolutely no health benefits whatsoever. I want my body to be healthy and happy not full of junk. Read this and get back on track too!

Woman measuring her waist


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hello again!

So I have been slacking a lot lately on my blog. I may not have very many followers but I do want to get my voice out there and share my story and progress.

My current weight is 125. My start weight was 138. I was at my heaviest and I hated my body. I have lost overall 3 inches and a pant size! I was currently a size 4 now a 2...and I do not want to be any smaller if that makes sense. I now love my body and love what I am capable of.

Some may think "Oh I will never lose weight. It just doesn't come easy to me."

Answer is WRONG!!!

It can come easy to you if you try and stick with your goals. Self-control has been my biggest issue. I have such a sweet tooth it was hard to cut back. But after seeing results I know that its worth it. I frequently quote... "I moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips." And its true!! Yes that cookie or candy bar will taste good for a few moments but a rocking bod that you're proud of will last forever as long as you work at it!!!

I like to give my body good stuff. Keep it hydrated and keep it full of good foods. My body isn't a garbage can. I don't want to eat greasy, fast food or sugary cake all the time. Yes I will indulge here and there on something sweet but I have cut out all greasy foods and my body cant thank me enough. I don't feel sluggish anymore and my skin is a lot healthier too!

This journey has been wonderful for me but it has been a challenge. But....what doesn't challenge you doesn't change you.

Ask me how to start your journey today and I will be very happy to help you along the way. Check out my beachbody page and find a program your interested in and we can talk about it! Why wait??


Monday, May 5, 2014

21 Day Fix is Here!!

No more waiting for the 21 Day Fix. It is here and you can order it anytime without waiting. It used to be on backorder because it was so popular!!

I absolutely love this program. The meal planning is easy and the workouts are easy too!! 30 minutes a day for workouts---you can't beat it! This isn't a diet its a lifestyle!! Get yours today!

Get your 21 day fix challenge pack now!!! Great DVD program and meal planning and a month of shakelology for $160!!! Get yours today! Check my site!! Or email me at barnes_88@hotmail.com

Need some help planning your meals? Use this guide to help!!

21 Day Fix: Meal Plan Recipe Binder

go to http://www.coachmmorris.com/p/the-challenge.html
