Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hello again!

So I have been slacking a lot lately on my blog. I may not have very many followers but I do want to get my voice out there and share my story and progress.

My current weight is 125. My start weight was 138. I was at my heaviest and I hated my body. I have lost overall 3 inches and a pant size! I was currently a size 4 now a 2...and I do not want to be any smaller if that makes sense. I now love my body and love what I am capable of.

Some may think "Oh I will never lose weight. It just doesn't come easy to me."

Answer is WRONG!!!

It can come easy to you if you try and stick with your goals. Self-control has been my biggest issue. I have such a sweet tooth it was hard to cut back. But after seeing results I know that its worth it. I frequently quote... "I moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips." And its true!! Yes that cookie or candy bar will taste good for a few moments but a rocking bod that you're proud of will last forever as long as you work at it!!!

I like to give my body good stuff. Keep it hydrated and keep it full of good foods. My body isn't a garbage can. I don't want to eat greasy, fast food or sugary cake all the time. Yes I will indulge here and there on something sweet but I have cut out all greasy foods and my body cant thank me enough. I don't feel sluggish anymore and my skin is a lot healthier too!

This journey has been wonderful for me but it has been a challenge. But....what doesn't challenge you doesn't change you.

Ask me how to start your journey today and I will be very happy to help you along the way. Check out my beachbody page and find a program your interested in and we can talk about it! Why wait??


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