Monday, March 3, 2014

New Me, New You!

I have never been someone who really worried about her weight. In high school I was a size 2 and weighed 115 pounds. After high school and into college I didn't really gain weight. I am thankful for my fast metabolism. However over the past few years I have noticed a change. My body isn't as young as it used to be and there are things I have been unhappy about. (I am almost 26) Over the past year I have tried to make healthier choices and get into shape. But its hard. Since September of 2013 I joined our YMCA in town and have worked out literally almost everyday. I absolutely love working out and feeling fit. I started doing some classes at the Y to do something else than the typical treadmill. I fell in love with Les Mills Body Pump & Les Mills CXWORX. I was a little uneasy about the body pump thinking I would bulk up. Which is stupid.  That doesn't happen unless you really want it to. I started lifting weights and within a couple weeks I seen a difference. My arms are toned and I have biceps!! My legs are so much stronger and my butt is much more lifted (and I already thought it was ;)) My core is stronger and I see my abs coming in. As of right now I do Body Pump three times a week and do cardio on the other days.

After buying my swim suit for this upcoming summer I tried it on and hated what I saw. I know I know I am not "fat" but there are parts of me I'd like to see changed still. I would love to have a much more toned butt. So I started Brazilian Butt Lift by Beach Body.

I. Love. It.

This workout DVD focuses on your "bum bum" and works every angle to get it toned. The first workout KILLED my butt. Literally couldn't walk it was so sore. But I loved every minute of it because I know that meant it is working. When I decided to start BBL I also subscribed to Shakeology. This is a meal replacement shake that has endless possibilities. It is delicious, it is nutritious and best of all it WORKS. I feel so much healthier and more energetic when I drink it everyday. Its great for your skin too.

I love my body and I want to be able to enjoy it forever. I don't deprive myself of the things I love I just eat smarter. I  don't indulge in a whole box of cookies but I may have one or two for dessert. I have the biggest sweet tooth anyone has ever known. Nothing is too rich for me. But I noticed that my stomach was taking in all that sugar. Abs are 80% kitchen and 20% gym and this is 100% correct. After skipping certain foods and cutting out SODA... I have seen a huge difference in my mid-section. And best of all I don't find myself craving all that bad food.

I want to be able to share my journey and motivate and inspire other people to get on track to not be just "skinny" but healthy and have a healthy body.

I by no means want to weigh 100 pounds and be in a size 0. I have comfortable at a size 4 and my weight right now is 130. I would LIKE to weigh 125. That is my goal and I know if I continue to eat right and put GOOD things into my body I can do that. I have noticed a change in my muscles and like they say; muscle weighs more than fat :)

My goal is to be strong, healthy, fit and lean!
It can be your goal too.
Follow me!

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